**Jithin James | Blog** January 3rd, 2019 [jithinjk.github.io/blog](https://jithinjk.github.io/blog) I've been accepted to the [fast.ai](https://fast.ai target="_blank")'s Practical Deep Learning for Coders, v3, and I'm really excited about this. My plan is to focus more on Data Science techniques giving more emphasis on Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I'll try to explain the concepts in my own words and do some side-projects to demonstrate that knowledge. Therefore, I've decided to write this blog and share my knowledge. I'll cover following topics, but I'll try to add more: - Deep Learning and Machine Learning, especially from Fast.ai's Practical Deep Learning for Coders v3 course - Paper Reviews I'll use [Fastai](https://github.com/fastai/fastai target="_blank") library which is written on top of PyTorch, along with numpy and pandas for my deep learning experiments. I also plan to apply different approaches and hyper-parameters to the models, to highlight the importance of each decision we make when building a model.